MicroTreat BIO


MicroTreat BIO is a safe and effective non-oxidizing and broad-spectrum bactericide used in RO system. It won’t cause the potential harm that chemicals like bromine, iodine, peroxide or peracetic acid would bring to the system. Due to its unique chemical and physical features, Micro Treat BIO can realize optimum benefit at a very low dose. It can control infestation of bacteria by removing bugs and bio-films and keep the system sanitized.


Product features                                         

1. Compatible with major RO membrane systems such as Dow Filmtec, Hydranautics, Fluid Systems, TORAY, GE

2. Non-oxidizing, antibiotic, broad spectrum bactericide

3. Rapidly degrade into relatively innoxious substance

4. More effective with small dosing quantity


Physical and chemical specifications                            

Appearance: primrose

Specific Gravity: 1.0

PH: 9-11

Composition: amine salt


Method of application                                            

MicroTreat BIO can be applied in the following three ways:

1. Continuous injection

Before injecting into the security filter, the dosage of MicroTreat BIO shall be 1-5ppm. Based on the actual situation, intermittent injection can also be applied to reduce operating cost and control infestation of bacteria. For example, injecting for a few hours every day or injecting every other day.

2. Soak

Confect MicoTreat BIO into bactericide solution of 1% concentration(for cellulose acetate membrane, PH value of solution shall be made into 4-6 with sulphuric acid or  hydrochloric acid), use low pressure pump to bring it into the system and soak for 60 mins. Soak time shall be extended in case that the system is seriously polluted. Then rinse for 15 mins with demineral water or reverse osmosis water. (Notes: Before the soaking of MicoTreat BIO, oxyhydrate shall be removed from the membrane with pickling. After soaking, organisms and organic residues shall be removed by alkali washing.)

3. Impact circulation

Confect MicoTreat BIO into bactericide solution of 20% concentration, and conduct recycle washing at low pressure for at least 60 mins.



5 gal/pail

Net weight: 20 kg


Operation cautions                                               

Please put on protective gloves and goggles in the whole dispensing operation. If contacted with eyes, wash with plenty of water; if a serious condition develops, consult your ophthalmologist. If it overflows the system, absorb and wipe with grit and wash it out with clean water.