UNITED FILTER CHEMICAL is a professionaldeveloperNeoImage_副本.jpg

andmanufacturer of water trestment formulation and polymer in North America. By cooperating with world-class R&Dinssitutions inAmerica,we provide expertise for commercialand industrial applicstons as our technologies continue to be the mest inneyative in the water treatment industryWehave callsberated with world renowned chemical companies such ss DuPont USA.Shepan Compeny,Esiman Chetical Compeny and etc..and also shared the lstest achevements of bechnology with them Covering a broad product line including ROmembrane chemicals, sewage trestment products.iheld chemicals and more than 100 product models.our main product line Quality-LiquidL)is sold around the world and widely employed in many fields such as portable water urban sewage. indusral manufscrureenergy and chemical ndusryolextracsomand etcQudty-qud (oLhes won the wide-sprest pupport and recognition for its superior quality.Our customers incude Inte,Tes instruments,Cocs Cols,Pizer inc.Ghawer Oi Field Temasek Hoidings and etc. its our mssion to conribute to scentiie and technelogical progress in this rapidly deeloping world It's our desire to lead the world in water purfication technologes Its our commitment to offer sdvanced weter purfcation products and develop new and beter scutions to meet the needs of our customers History 1996: Founding of United Fiter Chemical 2003: Founding of German Lisison Office (DusseidorfGerman)2005: Founding of China Representative Office (Bejng.China)