PTP-ALK is a highly-effective antiscalant with complex formula. It is used in RO system to protect the membranes from deposition of inorganic salt and ferric scale by holding action with dissolved iron and dispersive action with insoluble iron.
Product features
1. Effectively prevent the membranes from scaling
2. Effective in controlling CaC03 to LSI=2.6, CaS04 to 4.0Ksp and Si02 to 2.0Ksp
3. Greatly decrease the use of acid or completely substitute for acid
Advantages of PTP-ALK over Acid
1. The application of PTP-ALK is much more safe than sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid.
2. While the application of acid can only control the scaling of carbonate and aggravate the scaling of calcium carbonate, PTP-ALK works effectively on various inorganic scales.
3. Under general PH value, the work place is free from corrosion.
Physical/chemical specifications
State: liquid
PH: 9.9—11.0
Specific Gravity: 1.30—1.36
Odour:slight smell of ammonia
Solubility:completely soluble in water
With excellent stability, PTP-ALK can preserve over a long term. Its shelf life is 3 years.
Other information about PTP-ALK
Intensive research about virulence of PTP-ALK demonstrate that PTP-ALK is harmless to potable water and the environment.